CBS Business Services

Truck wrap

Central Invoicing
When you buy from CBS vendors you write one cheque to CBS regardless of the number of vendors who supply products.

Volume Buying
As one of Canada's largest building materials buying groups, we have the clout to negotiate favourable pricing to keep you competitive every single day.

Electronic Member Services (EMS)
As a member of CBS, you simply login to access all of your online services including market pricing, reports, vendors and all the buying information you need.

À la carte Health Care, Insurance & Financial Programs

If you choose to participate, a broad range of opt-in services are available to you:

Group Benefits 
Benefits are designed to offer you and your employees flexibility. We offer extended healthcare, dental, disability, life insurance solutions that are a true pool where everyone pays the same. The result, fluctuations are levelled out and rates are stabilized. (You can even offer these services as a loyalty program to your contractor and builder customers.)

We can help you maximize your investment returns, increase your savings and provide sound retirement planning advice.

Succession Planning 
Our programs are designed to help you realize the value of your business in today's changing world by putting your ideas into a plan that is ready for you to take to your accounting or legal professional.

Business Insurance, Mortgage & Financing
Flexible underwriting and competitive rates.

À la carte Integrated Marketing and Communication Programs

At CBS, our marketing team is there to help you get results. When you need corporate communications, promotions and loyalty programs, you can choose whatever works best for you, and pay only for what you use. There are publications, promotional products (golf balls, shirts, jackets, etc.), advertising and signage and websites. Marketing solutions offer strategic choices tailored to meet your priorities and your local business environment.

Marketing & Merchandising Solutions

  • Truck Wraps
  • Individual Member Websites
  • Award-winning Contractor Advantage Magazine
  • Uniforms and Branded Items
  • Online Flyer Program
  • Your own Branded Website

Come grow with us. Ask what CBS can do for you.

It's your call.

"When it comes to purchasing products
through different vendors, it's unbelievable.
It's hassle free.
I just say I'm a CBS member, and boom, I'm set up and can buy whatever I want.
I get great support."
Mark Herchenroder - Fairway Building Supply, CBS member